Insta Pro APK – Download Latest v10.45 Instapro App For Android

InstaPro APK is an application here to solve all of your problems regarding Instagram. Who wants all those limitations and ads when you can get rid of them using this APK? You can be more private on Instagram and view stories from personal accounts. Gone are those days when you had to follow other people and let them allow you to view their accounts. The control is now in your hands.

Instagram was never this straightforward and easy to use, but now it is. Want to know how? Read this full article or this APK will not work.

Not only will you be able to perform simple tasks like downloading the stories or copying someone’s bio, but you will also be able to save photos and videos, zoom them, and hide your “seen” from other people with simple clicks and gestures.

Our Instagram APK is not like the others in the market. Do you want to enhance your Instagram experience? Well, what are you waiting for? Download the APK now and explore the Meta world without any restrictions.

In this article, we will tell you what InstaPro APK is, how to download it on Android and PC, how you will be able to use it on other devices like iOS, and how you can start your journey using this APK. We are not going to leave you alone, my friend. This is a complete guide.

Let’s go Pro on Instagram using InstaPro!

App NameInstaPro APK
Current Versionv10.45
RequiresAndroid 4.4.2 or UP
Size44 MB
MOD FeaturesUnlocked
Last Updated5 January 2024

Insta Pro v10.24

Insta Pro APK

What is InstaPro APK? Well, we already gave you a little tour at the start of this article. It is an easy-to-use application that we have developed to make you a pro at using Instagram. How many times have you been irritated because someone saw that you saw their story?


How many times have you had to use a third-party application to do simple tasks like downloading pictures or videos and stories?

This is annoying. Meta is going out of control with their less user-friendly policies. You cannot even download your own pictures using your own Instagram account. Can you believe it? You cannot even download your own pictures!

But all of this ends here. We were pretty annoyed by these restrictions, so we developed this application to enable you to bypass all the restrictions by Instagram. I would go as far as to say that InstaPro is Instagram in Ultra-instinct mode! If you know, you know 😀

Now that I have got you hooked on what this application is, you will want to download Insta Pro. The following sections will tell you how to download and install the latest InstaPro APK on Android phones.

This is all going to be very simple. You just have to read the details to execute our plan carefully! Let’s begin.

How to Download Insta Pro Latest v10.25 on Android?

Downloading the application is very easy. The link is down below. What do you have to do? Well, you have to click and download it! It sounds too simple, right? It is. But you must know a few more things before downloading and installing it. So continue reading.

So, we asked a little birdy who most of our readers were. And that little bird told us that most of you were Android users. This means that we had to develop this article for you guys first. And this is what we will be talking about here.

For both Android and iOS users, we bring you InstaPro version 10.25! Yes, we had to work a lot on our application to make it workable. And this has taken more than ten versions now.

Do you understand what it means? It means that you have a perfect and refined version of Instagram Pro.

And downloading the latest version of InstaPro APK is a piece of cake! And you will know that after you read the following bullet points.

Download InstaPro APK

  • First, disable the Play Protect on your Google Play Store. It is just a temporary thing, so do not worry.
  • You can disable it by opening the Play Store app.
  • Now, go to play protect settings
  • Turn off the app scanning option.
  • Go to Google Chrome and open the settings
  • Enable “allow third-party applications.”
  • Now, you can come back to this page.
  • Click on the link given above.
  • Google will ask you to download the file.
  • Match the file name you are downloading with the one given on the download button above.
  • If the names are matching, download the file.
  • Google may still try to warn you that it is an application from a third party.
  • You have to click on “Download anyway” in this situation.

Boom! You have successfully downloaded the application. Now, the time has come to install the file.

How to Install InstaPro APK on Android?

Now, it is time to install the file that you have downloaded. But you must be asking if you already downloaded the file, why do you have to install it separately? All the applications you download from the Google Play store get installed simultaneously.

Well, here’s the trick. Our application isn’t available on Playstore.

You have to do things differently because it is not available on that platform.

That is why you have to install the file separately after downloading it. I am sure you will have downloaded the file with ease. It is time to install it now.

Read the following bullet points to install InstaPro and go “pro” with your Instagram experience.

  • First, navigate the security settings in your phone and enable third-party applications.
  • Now, go to the “downloads” section in your file manager
  • Find the file you downloaded just now.
  • Click on it
  • A prompt will open asking for your permission to install InstaPro
  • Give the permission
  • It will take some time to install, so wait.
  • After a few seconds to a minute, InstaPro APK will be installed on your phone.

Now, it is time to use the application.

However, what about the iOS users? Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you. Read the following section to learn how to install it on your phone.

How to Install InstaPro APK on IOS?

To install it on your iOS, follow the simple instructions given below.

  • Firstly, you have to download the IPA file we have for iPhones
  • Now, install Cydia Impactor
  • Sign in to your Apple account using Cydia Impactor
  • Connect your iOS device to your Mac
  • Launch the Cydia Impactor
  • Paste the IPA file in it.
  • Now, sign in to your Apple account again.
  • Install the InstaPro IPA file for all the good reasons you want it.

Is InstaPro safe to use?

We just told you to bypass many security measures to download a third-party application. Many influencers also tell you guys not to trust any application that is not play-protected or available on iTunes.

And you are right not to trust these third-party applications.

But InstaPro is also such an application. So, is it okay to trust it?

Well, what can anyone do with your Instagram account? It is not like it’s your bank account. Is it?

The thing is, InstaPro APK is entirely safe to use. Mobile phones make you go through such extensive processes because InstaPro unlocks many hidden features. Due to this reason, you have to undo the privacy settings while you are downloading and installing it.

Once the application is installed on your phone, you can set your privacy settings to the previous one.

The conclusion is that it is entirely safe to use. You do not have to worry about anything at all.

How to Get Started with Insta Pro For the First Time?

Now that you have the application installed on your phone, it is time to use Instagram Pro. But how to get started on it? Do you have to sign up again? Can the users sign in with their previous accounts? Do you have to sign in again and again with this app?

You must be thinking a lot of things. We will help you get started with Insta Pro. Once you read it, you will be able to use all the cool features of this application. That reminds me of something else. What features make this APK different from all available on the internet?

Don’t worry; we will discuss that later in this article.

Firstly, let’s get you started.

If you are here to download InstaPro, chances are you have also used WhatsAppGB. The problem with Whatsapp GB is that you have to restore and back up all your chats. Otherwise, the date is lost once you switch from one app to another.

Both Instagram and WhatsApp are Meta apps. So, it is understandable that they are skeptical. But here’s how InstaPro is different.

Getting started with the Instagram Pro app

You can use both your default Instagram application and your InstaPro simultaneously. And you can log in with the same account. Your main account can go pro anytime you want it to.

But there is a risk of getting banned. Isnt it? No. You will not get banned. And this is why our APK is so cool. A unique ban protection feature will help you use your main account. Now that we have assured you of the most critical questions, it is time to start.

To get started with  InstaPro, follow these simple instructions.

  • Open your Instagram application.
  • Now, open your InstaPro.
  • Log in using the same account.
  • Start using it for all the cool features.
  • If you want to explore the pro features from your default app, you can do that by clicking on the settings option. There will be an InstaPro settings section.

The shortcuts in InstaPro

Now that you have the InstaPro, there are some excellent shortcuts that you need to know about. We will explain each shortcut in detail. So, let’s begin.

Control Autoplay

Users can turn this option on and off by doing a long press on the camera icon. This will help you control whether the videos should autoplay or not. It will help you save your mobile internet.

Read tick

You can turn this off as well. Just long-press the direct message icon and turn it on and off. This way, you will control whether the other person can know whether you have seen their messages. Isn’t it such a lifesaver?

Copy bio

You can copy any user’s Instagram bio by pressing on it. This will instantly copy their bio. I do not know what you will do with it, but we added this feature regardless.

Copy comments

Now, users can copy the comments as well. Simply long-press the comment, and it will automatically copy it for you.

Save your media

Click on your photos or videos thrice. This will automatically download your photos or videos. Isn’t this great? I wish Instagram added this feature. Fortunately, we added it for you. No need to go anywhere else just click on the photo or the video thrice and save it.

Zoom photos

Users can zoom the photos by long pressing them. Do a simple long press, and InstaPro will zoom it for you. There is no need to zoom it like you are zooming in on a photo in your gallery. A simple finger can do the trick. Also, it was annoying when you zoomed in a photo, but it was minimized as soon as you lifted your fingers. NOT ANY MORE.

InstaPro v10.25 Changelog?

We care about our users. And that is why we keep updating our app. What are the changes that we have done so far in the latest InstaPro version?

There were bugs regarding the messaging and downloading of the reel option. Users were complaining that they couldn’t send the messages. They also weren’t able to download the reels. We fixed that.

We also added more features, like the InstaPro settings in the header. Users had to open the settings to find the InstaPro options. But now, they can find it in the header. We have made the user experience even better.

We also added the post-sharing button. Have you noticed that you can do everything you could do with the default app and more with Instagram Pro?

Instagram also announced the broadcasting channel option for creators. We added that section as well.

We added These issues, extra features, and more in our latest InstaPro APK.

InstaPro APK Features

So far, you must have noticed that many options are available in the latest app. These features make us who we are. In this section, we will talk about the features in detail. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

This is what the latest version of InstaPro does

Tracks your follow-list

It is a pain when you do not know when someone has followed or unfollowed you. But not anymore. With InstaPro APK, you can track who has followed or unfollowed you. There is no need to water the dead plants. It is better to unfollow those people who have unfollowed you.

Hides from story views

Sometimes, you do not want the other person to know you are viewing their story. It might be your crush. You do not want to embarrass yourself. No worries. InstaPro can hide this and let you view the stories with a  lot of ease.

Hides “seen”

Some people will not let you breathe in peace if you have left them on “seen.” You know those people, right? Ah man, unfortunately, you do.

But InstaPro is here to the rescue. You can hide this option and practically become invisible to the other person.

Stops others from knowing when you type

Now that you have hidden yourself from the “seen conundrum,” you also want this feature. You do not want the other person to know you are also typing. Wouldn’t it just give you away?

No worries, you can hide this option as well.

High-resolution photos and stories.

Similar applications do not let you view photos or stories in high resolution. But now us! We give you the maximum quality that is available on Instagram. View your photos and stories without any worry.

Upload stories more than 30s

Instagram only lets you upload a story of up to 30 seconds. This sucks big time. No one wants to take the time out of their lives and upload a story in different parts.

Instagram lets you upload a story that is longer than 30. Now, you can upload a story that is one minute long.

Disables Ads

Ads are annoying, aren’t they? Imagine watching stories on your Instagram, and boom! There is an in-between. This is annoying.

It would have been better if you could place an ad after viewing stories from anyone. But the ads in between ruin the experience.

Not anymore.

Now, you can disable the ads and enjoy Insta to the fullest.

Zoom Photos

With a single long press, you can zoom the photos. This can save you from a lot of inconvenience. Otherwise, you had to drag and zoom the photos. God forbid if your finger slipped, the image would go back to the original size.

Save yourself from this, and download InstaPro.

Download Photos, Stories, and Reels.

Gone are those days when you had to use a third-party website to download your photos, reels, and stories. Now, you can download them using this APK. You can only download your reels so far. But not without the watermark.

We all hate watermarks, don’t we?

Download these things without a watermark using InstaPro.

Fast Forward Videos

Imagine watching a video but you are not able to fast-forward it. Sometimes, specific videos can be tedious, and you want to see their conclusion. Now, you can double-tap on it and forward the reels.

App Locker

InstaPro comes with an in-app app locker to increase privacy and security. There is no need to worry about our significant other spying on you. You can simply lock this app.

Different Font Styles

You can use more than 20 font styles using InstaPro. When editing pictures or videos, the font style is the one significant thing that gets ignored. Having multiple font styles enables you to elevate your photo and video editing to the next level.

Customized App Icon

Most of the time, people get confused between the original app and the APK. But you can use more than 9 app icons to differentiate it from the main app.

Backs up your Data

It sucks when you upload or type a message and lose it because of bad internet. This is annoying and baffling why Meta hasn’t fixed it yet.

No worries, we have fixed it in our app. InstaPro backs up your data and restores it for your use.

Manages your Downloads,

You can manage your downloads using this application. Users can rename the files, save them in different folders, and organize them.

In-app Browsing

Instagram doesn’t let you open links while you are browsing the app. Not anymore; we have added these features as well.

Insta Pro for iPhone?

You have read about the excellent features this app has. It is incredible how we have elevated Instagram to the next level. Mark Zuckerberg should take notes.

Quick question: Can iPhone users enjoy this app as well?

We have told you how to install this app, But have you noticed that it was more complex for you? It is because we haven’t made it available on iTunes yet.

Once we have, it will also be a piece of cake for you.

How to Use Insta Pro on a PC?

There is a specific population that will want to use InstaPro on PC. A lot of users use Instagram through Chrome. This is because using both your PC and phone becomes tedious. So, some people log in using their PCs.

For you guys, we have made this little section. Read it, and you can use InstaPro on your PC.

  • Install BlueStacks
  • Launch this app.
  • Install InstaPro APK using BlueStacks or visit our website and download it from here.
  • Install InstaPro in BlueStacks and use it in the app player.

Final Thoughts?

InstaPro is a revolutionary app that frees you from all the restrictions of Instagram. Using our application, you can perform multiple functions, such as downloading the reels and stories and hiding your “seen” and typing status when messaging someone.

There was only one thing in mind when we were developing this application: how we can enhance your satisfaction level when you are using Instagram. Meta wasn’t going to add these features, so we did it.

Download the latest version of InstaPro, install it, and start using Instagram without a care in the world.

Insta Pro FAQs

Most of you have been asking us questions for a long time. It is time to answer all of you. But you can ask us in the comments section if you can’t find your answer here. We will be more than happy to answer your queries.

Is InstaPro APK free?

Yes, this application is free. As we have told you before, only one thing was in mind when making this app. And that was making this app user-friendly. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy our services. That is why it is free.

When was the insta apk pro application launched?

We launched the latest version in August. While our developers have been updating this app for a long time, the newest version you will download was launched in 2023. So be at ease as it comes with the latest features of the main app as well.

How to download InstaPro APK?

You can download the InstaPro APK by clicking on our download link. Here is a quick recap of our process.

  1. Enable third-party applications on your phone and disable play protect scanning.
  2. Visit our website.
  3. Download the app and then install it.

Can I use InstaPro APK on my iPhone?

Yes, you can use InstaPro on your iOS devices. But you will have to do a lot of things to download it. Otherwise, getting a third-party app on your Apple device is challenging. First, you will have to get Cydia, and then you will have to install it using that.

How to use Instagram Pro on a PC?

You should first download BlueStacks. While the latest windows have eliminated this hassle, most must install this application first. After this, you have to download and install the APK and run it on your PC using the BlueStacks app player.

Where can I download InstaPro?

You can download the application from many websites. But we cannot guarantee the performance of those applications. We can guarantee you that our website provides the best Instagram APK.

Can I get jailed for using InstaPro APK?

No, you will not. While you are technically hacking into the Instagram application, it will not affect any other person. It will only change your experience. So, do not worry about getting jailed. You are doing nothing illegal or wrong.

How to download stories using InstaPro?

  • Open the Instagram stories
  • On the side, there will be an option to download it.
  • Click on the download or the save button.
  • Make a new folder or download the existing ones.

What is the quality of reels downloaded using this app?

We offer top quality when it comes to downloading. Gone are those days when you had to pay something to do these simple things. We believe in providing the best to the general public. That is why you will get the best of the best quality when you are downloading content.

How do we remove the watermark from the stories?

You do not have to worry about that. It was something that we fixed in one of our earlier updates. We removed the watermark. Although it came with losing marketing, it was worth it since you were getting the best thing.

Do I have to spend money to remove the watermark?

I kid you not. Some of the previous developers wanted to ask for money. But this was not our vision. You do not have to spend anything to remove the watermark. Simply download the stories or reels, and you will not see any watermark.

Will my phone get hacked for using the InstaPro APK?

No, InstaPro APK is utterly safe for use. Some users were getting hacked, but this was because they didn’t enable their security after downloading and installing Instagram Pro. But you shouldn’t repeat their mistake. Enable your security after downloading this application as soon as possible.